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Types of Aid

Federal Loans:

Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan:

  • Only available for undergraduate students.

  • Based on financial need.

  • 3.76% fixed interest rate, which does not begin accruing interest until graduation

  • Repayment of loan begins 6 months after graduation or when the student is no longer enrolled at least half-time.

  • 1.069% origination fee applied to the loan prior to the funds being disbursed to the students' account

  • First time borrowers must complete Entrance Counseling & a Master Promissory Note (MPN) at before receiving the loan.

  • For more information (loan limits, etc.), click the picture

Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan:

  • Available for undergraduate & graduate students.

  • 3.76% fixed interest rate for undergrad students & 5.31% for grad students -- interest begins accruing once the loan is disbursed

  • Repayment begins 6 months after graduation or when the student is no longer enrolled at least half-time.

  • 1.069% origination fee applied to the loan prior to the funds being disbursed to the students' account

  • First time borrowers must complete Entrance Counseling & a Master Promissory Note (MPN) at before receiving the loan.

  • For more information (FYI for students / student basics), click the picture

Direct PLUS Loans:

Direct Parent PLUS Loan:

  •  Must complete & submit an application each academic year, which can be found on

  • Available to creditworthy parents regardless of financial need. The credit check is completed by the department of education.

    • If the parent's credit check is denied, the student can receive additional Unsubsidized loan or the parent can add a cosigner to the loan.

  • The student can receive up to the cost of education minus any other financial aid he/she is receiving.

  • 6.31% fixed interest rate, which begins accruing interest once the funds are disbursed to the student

  • Repayment begins 45 days after the last disbursement of the loan, or the parent can choose to defer the loan until the student is no longer attending at least half-time. 

  • 4.276% origination fee is applied to the loan before the student receives the funds

  • Parent borrowers must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) on (with their log-in information) before the student can receive the loan.

  • For more information on PLUS Loans, click the picture



Direct Graduate PLUS Loan:

  • Must complete & submit an application each academic year, which can be found on

  • Available to creditworthy students regardless of financial need. The credit check is completed by the department of education.

    • If the student's credit check is denied, the student has the option to seek a creditworthy a cosigner.

  • The student can receive up to the cost of education minus any other financial aid he/she is receiving.

  • 6.84% fixed interest rate, which begins accruing interest once the funds are disbursed to the student.

  • Repayment begins 6 months after the student is no longer attending at least half-time. 

  • 4.276% origination fee is applied to the loan before the student receives the funds

  • The student borrower must complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) on before receiving the loan.​

Federal Perkins Loan:

  • This loan is extremely limitedly funded.

  • Based on financial need.

  • 5% fixed interest rate, which does not begin accruing interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time.

  • Repayment begins 9 months after graduation to LSU.

  • Only awarded in fall & spring semesters.

  • First time borrowers must complete a Master Promissory Note & Perkins loan information sheet prior to receiving the loan.

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Grants are need based awards that do not require repayment. Eligibility for grants is determined by the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC), which is calculated using a federal formula from the information submitted on the FAFSA application. The EFC takes into account the family taxed & untaxed income, assets, benefits (such as unemployment or Social Security), the number in the household, and the number in college. 

  • Grant eligibility is determined by the information submitted on the FAFSA.

  • You can only receive grants as an undergraduate completing your first degree.

  • Generally, there are no grants awarded during the summer semester.

  • The Pell Grant and SEOG are federal so can be offered to any student but Go Grant is only offered by the state so students must be a LA resident.

Pell Grant:

  • Must have an EFC of $5,157 or less for the 2014-15 year

  • The 2014-15 award ranges from $602 - $5,730 for the year

  • Award amount is prorated based on the number of hours the student is enrolled

    • Award amount is updated after the last day to add based on the student’s enrollment status

  • Students can only receive Pell for a maximum of 12 full time semesters

  • For more information on Grants, click the picture

Go Grant:

  • Award ranges from $300 - $1500 for the year

  • Administered by LOSFA. LSU bills for students’ Go Grant after the 14th class day and the funds typically come in around the middle of the semester.

    • Do not have a specific date as it depends when LOSFA sends the funds

  • Must be a LA resident

  • Must receive Pell Grant

  • Limitedly funded

  • The student must have remaining financial need after deducting EFC and all other aid from COA

  • Gift aid including Go Grant cannot exceed 60% of the student’s need based eligibility

  • Student must enroll at least half time

Pelican Promise:

  • Louisiana resident

  • Tuition exemption

  • Administered by LSU

  • Must be full time through the university refund period

  • Must receive Pell Grant

  • Family income is equal or less than 150% of the poverty level

  • Freshmen can only receive Pelican Promise their first four years of college work

    • The expiration can be found on STUU under x135 expiration

  • Transfer can only receive Pelican Promise for up to 120 hours

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant:

  • Award is $1000 for the year

  • EFC must be zero

  • Must receive Pell Grant

  • Limitedly funded

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